About Us
Red Blue Orange is a brand of Silver Horizon Global LLP.
A contemporary school wardrobe brand, red. blue.
orange. offers bespoke and standardized school wardrobe,
back to school merchandise and product supplies through multi distribution channels.
Our core. our mojo. our why us…
- Professional and Standardized Production
- Design & Customization Capabilities
- Fine and Breathable Fabric Textures
- Customer Service Management
- Product line Extension in form of Books, Shoes, Rainwear, Stationery
- Value Proposition
Our Offerings
- Contemporary fits
- Standard sizes including slim, husky and plus
- Attention to design, styling and detail
- Consistent branding
- Breathability and comfort are at the heart of every product
- Quality control and wash Test Protocols
- Head to toe
- Consistency in styling and overall presentation
- Holistic approach
- School’s branding and positioning